Our Services

Care by Professionals You Can Trust - At Khoury Family Dental, we believe that the foundation of exceptional dental care lies in the hands of professionals who are not only skilled but also genuinely passionate about your well-being. Our team of dedicated dentists and dental hygienists are highly trained and experienced, offering a comprehensive range of services that cover all aspects of dental health.

man receiving cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry can be used to treat and improve a number of factors that impact your smile, including, repairing chips and cracks, treating an injury and improving a person’s overall appearance.

Child at Dentist

Pediatric Dentristy

When should I take my child to the dentist? The ideal time is six months after your child's first tooth erupts.

Dental Cleaning

Routine Hygiene

Dental Exams & Cleanings. Oral Cancer Screening. Periodontal/Gum Disease Treatment. Fluoride Treatment. Sealants

woman using Invisalign


Invisalign treatment is the process of wearing a series of clear, removable aligners that gradually straighten your teeth. No brackets and wires, and none of the restrictions that come with metal braces.

Dental X-ray

Dental Imaging

Digital x-ray
CT scan
Intra Oral Camera

man showing dental crown


Cap that is placed over a tooth. The crown restores the tooth to its normal shape, size, and function. A crown can make the tooth stronger or improve the way it looks.

man showing off his veneers


A dental veneer is a porcelain shell that dental professionals can customize to enhance the size, shape and shade of a tooth.

dental surgery

Dental Surgery

Tooth Extraction


Wisdom Teeth




TeleDentistry is the use of information technology and telecommunications for dental care, consultation, education, and public awareness.

teeth whitening

Teeth Whitening

In-office treatment that remove stains and yellowing, lightening tooth color up to eight shades.
We have tons of take-home options for whitening too so that you can maintain your new look.

mouth guard

Oral Health

Mouth Guard
Cold Sore Treatment
Night Guard
Emergency Dental Care

tooth implant


A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is placed into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge.

man showing dentures


A denture is a removable replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissues. Two types of dentures are available -- complete and partial dentures.

root canal image


Root canal is a treatment to repair and save a badly damaged or infected tooth instead of removing it.

Emergency Dental

Emergency Dentistry

Dental emergencies are potentially life-threatening conditions like uncontrolled bleeding, infections with facial or mouth swelling, access, severe pain, or knocked out teeth.

Whatever you need, we are here to help. Book your appointment now.